Special Surprises for Your First Purchases #MardiniKozmetik
Special Surprises for Your First Purchases #MardiniKozmetik
Special Surprises for Your First Purchases #MardiniKozmetik



Our Vision

To be a leading brand in the field of cosmetics by producing quality raw materials and innovative products and bringing them to global customers.


Our Mission

To meet customers' expectations at the highest level with product quality and competitive prices.

It all started when the famous artist Berdan Mardini decided to grow the oil rose named Rosa Damascena in his hometown, Mardin. His passion for scents and essences since his childhood played a major role in this decision. But as an artist whose sense of social responsibility is at the forefront, Mardini had another goal: to open the horizons of the local people by implementing a brand new idea while providing employment for his fellow citizens. Berdan Mardini, who brought the rose, one of the oldest flowers of Mesopotamia, back to these lands after centuries, founded the Mardini Kozmetik company in 2018 to manufacture and offer the raw and finished products needed by the customers in the field of cosmetics and perfumery.


Our Production Culture

While increasing human welfare, we aim to protect nature and bring new smells, new tastes and new colors from nature to humans. We treat nature kindly and receive the reward with great generosity.

As Mardini Kozmetik, we started our business by planting roses on 700 decares of land in Yaylabaşı District of Mardin's central Artuklu district. We continued by planting Rosa Damascena, also known as Damascus rose, as well as two types of lavender, Intermedia and Sevtopolis (from the Angustifolia family). Immediately afterwards, we established a factory in the same neighborhood where we will process rose and lavender flowers using the distillation technique. Factory; We have made it ready for operation by equipping it with a technological system that will carry out many processes with precision, especially the production of rose oil, rose water, lavender oil and lavender water.

We have determined that these flowers, which we grow at an altitude of 1100 meters and which will meet a significant part of the raw materials needed in the sector, yield products of unique quality. We are proud to make Mardin the second rose center of Turkey with this investment. The contribution we made to regional employment with our Rose project and the satisfaction of the local people was a strong source of motivation for us.

Of course, our activities are not limited to obtaining raw materials from roses and lavender. In addition to many cosmetic products in the industry, we also produce perfumes. When it comes to roses and perfume, as Mardini Kozmetik, we cannot help but share our relationship with the historical past of the industry. B.C. B.C. Sumerians who ruled in Mesopotamia between 4000 and 2000 BC; He pioneered humanity with his discoveries in the fields of writing, language, medicine and astronomy. Sumerians also went down in history as the civilization that discovered perfume.

Rosa Damascena rose, Latin name Rosa Damascena rose, used in the production of cosmetic raw materials, was first grown in Mesopotamia. Rosa Damascena, also known as Damascus rose and Isparta rose, passed to Europe throughout history. Rosa Damascena returned to Anatolia 100 years ago when this rose species began to be grown in Isparta. Mardini Kozmetik introduced the Rosa Damascena rose to its homeland, Mesopotamia.


Sustainable Natural Production

We produce our raw materials ourselves. We are both farmers and factory workers. We are the chemists and so is the boss. We start production from the first point. Here are our stages: plowing the land, planting the roses, harvesting the roses and lavender, processing the harvested product, obtaining raw materials, transforming the raw materials into products...

We do not use any pesticides or chemicals in the cultivation of our roses and lavenders, which we grow on fertile soil in an extremely suitable climate and altitude. We use high-quality raw materials in our products, which we produce from completely natural and pure roses and lavenders, harvested by hand.

Some of our products that we produce under the brand "Berdan Mardini" and offer to our valued customers are as follows: Rose water, rose oil, rose serum, rose cream, lavender oil, lavender ambient and laundry fragrance sprays; Bıttım soap (Botan soap), laurel soap, rose soap and lavender soap in bar form; Men's and women's perfume types, body mist, liquid soap, cologne, reed diffuser and candle.

In addition to cosmetics, we also produce food products harvested in Mardin lands with the brand "Mardini" in all its naturalness. We offer many food items, especially grape products, to the consumers in authentic packages with their unique taste.

We do not intend to complete the quality and variety of our products that we produce meticulously and offer to Turkey as well as to the US, UK, Germany, Russia, China, Iran and Iraq markets! Because our R&D team and marketing department; Berdan Mardini has adopted the principle of working uninterruptedly to always raise the product quality and diversity of Gulfiroş and Mardini brands.


Our Field, Our Factory, Our Offices

We value labor. Labor gives us products. Skill is required to process the product. We care about talents. Each of our colleagues is our business partner... We prioritize the welfare of our employees.